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Music Ministry Guidelines

Hilltop Choir May 19, 2020 478 5

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Hilltop Music Ministry

We are glad you are serving in this exciting, vital ministry. Here are a few things you should know to help you feel more comfortable and informed about being involved in the music ministry at Hilltop.

The music ministry consists of the Adult Choir, Senior Adult Choir, Orchestra, Special Music, Children’s Choir, and Pastors Band.

Adult Choir

How Do I Join the Choir?

  1. Attend a rehearsal.
    1. Choir rehearsals are held on Sundays at 5 pm in the auditorium.
    2. You can come on any Sunday. We are always ready for guests.
  2. Read and agree to the music ministry guidelines.
  3. Complete a full director interview and audition
    1. Discuss your spiritual background
    2. Discuss our ministry philosophy and expectations
    3. Determine vocal placement (soprano, alto, tenor, bass)
  4. Sign the Annual Commitment Card
  5. Start singing!!!!!

• The choir sings in every morning service, typically the 1st and 3rd evening services, and for almost every other special service (revivals, conferences, etc.).

• Available to 9th grade and up. Church membership is required for full choir membership, but you can begin singing with the understanding that you are pursuing church membership.

Choir Rehearsal

• Choir rehearsals are Sundays from 5-6:10 pm in the auditorium. Punctuality is next to Cleanliness, which is next to Godliness!

• Rehearsals are the most important part of the choir ministry. Without consistently effective rehearsals, powerful worship services won’t happen. God doesn’t bless laziness! Strive to maintain a 75% attendance rate.

• We have around 40 rehearsals per choir year (August-June). There are a few Sundays through the year we don’t have rehearsal. We normally take a break from rehearsal for the month of July, some Sundays in December, Easter, and Mothers Day.

• 75% attendance is 30 out of 40 rehearsals. Unless you have a regular work obligation or a season of sickness, 75% is an easily attainable number.

• Please sign in at the Welcome Center computer with the number assigned to you on the list provided.

• Pick up your music from your slot in the music bookcases behind the choir loft.

• Rehearsal time is limited and we attempt to rehearse 6-8 songs per week. That means we all need to stay focused on the music and director. Save conversations for after rehearsal!

Choir Helps

• Rehearsal CD’s are available for each part (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) on the table behind the choir loft. Choir songs are also online and on the Hilltop Church Choir podcast on iTunes.

• We perform without books so rehearsing each song during the week will help you sing with more confidence when it comes time to sing in the services. Performing without books means we can be more expressive. Practice being expressive while you sing. Smile, smile, smile (unless it’s a serious moment;)

• A music schedule is printed and posted near the music slots as well, which lists the choir music to be sung for AM and PM services as well as the date. The music schedule is available on our website at and there is a private Facebook group to help everyone stay informed.

• Infant-6th grade childcare is available in the cafeteria and nursery. There they will participate in Kids Choir class and are served a small snack and a drink). Please pick up your child after rehearsal is finished.

Worship Service

• For Sunday morning, a warm-up of the song is held in Room 202 at 10:20.

• The choir lines up behind the choir loft to enter the sanctuary a few minutes before the start of each service they are singing.

• Men: A coat and tie on Sunday morning is preferred. Sunday evening is more relaxed but you’re welcome to wear coat and tie as well.

Ladies: Please wear modest and appropriate clothing; we ask that you do not wear pants on the stage.

Senior Adult Choir

• Available to those over 60 years old.

• Rehearses from 6-6:15 pm on Sundays in Room 201.

• You can be a member of both the Senior Adult and Adult Choirs if desired.

• Usually sings the second Sunday evening of each month.

• This group is led by Larry Gunnoe.

Special Music

• Special music singing requirements: limited to church members in good standing and members of the choir.

• More information will be given to those who qualify for this ministry.


• Available to qualified players 7th grade and up. Qualified players are those who can read music, and have intermediate proficiency in their instrument.

• Each orchestra member is given a binder to keep printed music. All new music will be provided on a weekly basis. In order to reduce paper usage, please keep all printed music in the binder for later use.

• Orchestra rehearsal is from 5:15-6:00 pm on Sundays in the Gym building in Room 406. The orchestra also rehearses before Connection Group Sunday mornings. Additional rehearsals are held for special events on as-needed basis.

• The orchestra rehearsal is led by Travis Moots.

Children’s Choirs

• Kids Choir takes place during the Adult Choir rehearsal. The Children’s Choir typically sings once a month in the last Sunday evening service of every month.

• Children 2nd grade and below may join in the “Pastor’s Band”, but there is no rehearsal for them. They generally sing songs they know from Sunday School and Children’s Church. The Pastor’s Band also sings in the last Sunday evening service of the month.

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